I Had Great Fun Coding These Websites

David's Laravel App
This site is coded with Laravel and Vue.js frameworks
David - Just another site
This site is coded using the Vue.js framework.
All code is original. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Ajax Transport
All code is original. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Ajax Transport
An app I coded using Laravel.
Ajax Transportation
A landing page website coded with HTML and CSS. No fancy frameworks
Book Loads Online
Anotherlanding page website coded with HTML and CSS. No fancy frameworks
Freight Brokerage
One more landing page website coded with HTML and CSS. No fancy frameworks
Drone Blog
A blog coded with wordpress
Robots Blog
A blog coded with wordpress
Pop's Food Creations
A website for Pop coded with wordpress
A Simple Blog
All code is original. Playing around with PHP and MySQL. The dark side of CSS.
The Central Dispatch
All code is original. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Ajax Forums
I used a starter templete from a book by: Larry Ullman. I then added to this. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Ajax Market
A functional e-commerce website. I used a starter templete from a book by: Larry Ullman. I then added to this. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Loaded and Rolling
All orignal code. I then added to this. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Loaded and Rolling
All orignal code. PHP lanuage is used for the back end with a MySQL database.
I used a starter templete from a book by: Larry Ullman. I then added to this. This site utilizes MySQL. PHP lanuage is used for the back end.
Ajax Lofts
A website I developed to advertise the sale of a property.
CSS Coffee Break
A page i created to display excercises from the book, CSS The Missing Manual
Course Menu
The home pages for the cousres I participated in are original code by me.