PHP Percolate Season 7
Exercises from the book:
Effortless E-Commerce
By: Larry Ullman
- Chapter_4
- Login
- Logout
- Register
- Forgot Passord
- Change Password
- Chapter_5
- Adding Pages
- Displaying Page Content
- Adding PDFS
- Displaying PDF Content
- Chapter_7
- Second Site : Structure & Design
- Databse Design
- Mod_Rewrite
- Config, Header, Footer
- Chapter_8
- Creating a Catalog
- Populating the Tables
- Stored Procedures
- Create Pages: Shop, View, Browse, Sales, Home
- Chapter_9
- Building a Cart
- Defining The Procedures
- Building Shopping Cart
- Making a Wish List
- Calculating Shipping
- Chapter_10
- Checking Out
- Taking Shipping Information
- Taking Billing Information
- Processing Credit Cards Using
- Test The Site
- Chapter_11
- Site administration
- Adding Products
- Adding Inventory
- Creating Sales
- Viewing Orders
- Processing Payment