Duke's Blog

Visit Duke's new and improved Blog.


Vue.js Course Tutorial

A Vue.js tutorial
A tutorial I took to refresh my skills with Vue.js. A frontend web development framework. The tutorial offered by Traversy Media on Youtube.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: vuejs,frontend, framework

My First Vuejs App

My first Vuejs tutorial
Vuejs is cool
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: vuejs, front-end , web, development

A Robot Blog

A blog
A blog about robots I developed with WordPress
catagory: News
tags: blog, robots, wordpress

A Drone Blog

A blog
A blog I developed with WordPress
catagory: News
tags: blog, drones, wordpress

HES Class Dynamic Web Applications

Developed using the Laravel Framework.
Final project for class Dynamic Web Applications which I took at Harvard extension School.
catagory: Coding
tags: web development, php,laravel

My First Angular Web App

My first attempt at building a web app using Angular 2. Still learning, so as my skills in Angular increase, I will add more features.
Angular is Awesome !
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: angular, front-end , web, development

Get Weather and WebCams

My newly coded page using JavaScript, jQuery and of course HTML and CSS. The app uses api to get the current weather and webcams for a city, state.
It really works !
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: weather,webcams,api

HES CSCI E - 3 Final Project New Version

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my final project. NEW and improved version.
A cool game I made Get the Blob
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,game,javascript

HES CSCI E - 3 Final Project

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my final project.
A cool game I made Get the Blob
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,final,javascript

HES CSCI E - 3 Extra Credit Assignment Two

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my extra assignment two.
Example of the DOM and javascript
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,DOM

HES CSCI E - 3 Extra Credit Assignment One

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my extra assignment one.
Example of using a javascript constructor function
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,constructor

HES CSCI E - 3 Graduate Assignment Two

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my graduate assignment two.
A Bookmarklet
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,bookmarklet

HES CSCI E - 3 Graduate Assignment One

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my graduate assignment one.
A Mortgage Calculator
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,assignment,javascript

Intro to Web Programming Using Javascript

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . I learned JavaScript.
My second class at Harvard Extension School.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: school,class,javascript

Fundamentals of WebSite Development Final Project

Harvard Extension School class CSCI s - 12. Final project
I think my final project came out really cool.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: school,class,final,project html, css

My Pictures

Beale st Landing, Memphis, Tn

This blog will contain posts that seem relevent and interesting to me. I hope you also enjoy them and find this blog useful.

I am using a model view controller (MVC) pattern for this web page. I using PHP for the controller, HTML for the view and for the modal mySQL. I also developed a Filemaker solution. The FM solution stores the blog data. I use the execute SQL script to upload, edit and delete all blog post data. The code can be found on GitHub. PHP files on GitHub. HTML file on GitHub